Here are some items that I consider are worth having in your stockpile. These items have long expiration dates or do not expire at all. Everything goes on sale to it’s rock bottom price at least once every 12 (TWELVE!!) weeks. Therefore, you do not need to buy a year supply of mustard or two-hundred packages dish tabs. UNLESS you plan on donating part of your stock to friends, family or a local charity organization. My biggest pet peeve when an entire shelve is cleared of an item (unless it’s clearance, that’s alright in my book). Stockpiling and getting items that you will use within the natural sale cycle is one thing but clearing an entire shelf.. “Do to others as you would have them do to you” -The Bible. I am not going to preach good ethics and quote the bible a million times. But if I see you clearing a shelf, I will be half tempted to slap your hands like a child and tell you not to be greedy. Couponing definitely gives me a rush and sometimes I will go a little overboard (never to the point of clearing an entire shelf) but that’s when I make a donation. There is always someone in need and you usually don’t have to look too far. Leave a box of items in the break room at work and I bet you will be surprised how fast the items will go, most people won’t ask for help openly.

Household Items: Most of these items do not have an expiration date. Check the product packaging to ensure if it does or does not.

  • Laundry Detergent
  • Fabric Softener/Dryer Sheets
  • Dish Soap
  • Sponges
  • Bleach
  • All Purpose Cleaner
  • Dishwasher Tabs/Soap
  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towels
  • Paper Plates
  • Plastic Silverware
  • Windex/Glass Cleaner
  • Febreeze
  • Air Freshners
  • Candles
  • Oil Plug-Ins
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Trash Bags
  • Ziploc Bags
  • Storage Containers
  • Printer Paper
  • Printer Ink
  • Writing Paper
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Shout/Spot Remover
  • Starch
  • Floor Cleaner
  • Floor Cleaner Pads
  • Duster Refills
  • Wood Cleaner

Personal Care Items: Most of these items do not have an expiration date. Check the packaging to ensure if it does or not. Make-up does have an expiration even though there is a myth that states it doesn’t.

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Body Wash/Soap
  • Razors
  • Face Wash
  • Body Lotion
  • Face Lotion
  • Astringent/Cleansing Pads
  • Feminine Care Products
  • Deodorant
  • Hand Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Mouthwash
  • Dental Floss
  • Perfume/Cologne
  • Hair Ties
  • Bobby Pins
  • Hairspray
  • Miscellaneous Hair Products
  • Make Up (make up does have an expiration make sure to check before purchasing too much)

Grocery: This is a very tricky list to try and stockpile. Make sure you have enough space in your freezer and pantry to stock pile these items. If you don’t have room in your pantry than you should probably pass. Do you really want to be sleeping with boxes of pasta and macaroni?Watch expiration dates and take account how much your family actually eats these products. If you only have macaroni and cheese once a week then is it wise to try and stockpile 30 boxes of macaroni? Like I said before, everything goes on sale to it’s rock bottom price at least once every 12 weeks. Make this your mantra when building your stockpile.

  • Dry Pasta
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Canned Tomatoes Sauce
  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Other Spices
  • Cereal
  • Oatmeal
  • Breakfast Bars
  • Tea Bags
  • Cheese
  • Meat (Pork, Beef, Chicken etc..)
  • Juice Drinks
  • Soda
  • Water Bottles
  • Coffee
  • Waffles
  • Frozen Dinners/Entrees
  • Pancake/Waffle Mix
  • Syrup
  • Peanut Butter


You must change the way you think about grocery shopping to make the Stockpiling Adventure work. Instead of thinking of what you need weekly, think about what you will use in the next 3 months. Many items take longer than a year to expire, you can stockpile more in this case. You are going to begin by stockpiling items when they hit “rock bottom” prices. Building up a stockpile will take a lot of hard work, dedication and a strong personality. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed this is 100% NORMAL and will turn into a natural high later just keep trekking on your adventure because the outcome is going to be so worth it. Once your stockpile is built you will see your grocery bill keep declining. You may not even have to go shopping for a couple of weeks!

Your ultimate goal is to have the ability to shop from your stockpile instead of from the grocery store. I try to only purchase perishable items on a weekly basis. Like fruits, vegetables and dairy.

When does an item hit rock bottom prices?  | Learn your sales cycles.

Think about this aspect of stockpiling logically. Products normally will hit their rock bottom at the time of the year they will be used. June & July are Barbeque months so barbeque sauce, plastic silverware, paper products, meat, coal etc will go on sale in this time frame. When an item is at rock bottom this is when you want to stack a coupon you have to match with sales price. When an item is at rock bottom and you have a coupon to match this is when you stockpile.


Did you know you can freeze almost anything to extend it’s shelf life? EVEN MORE STOCKPILING OPTIONS!

Here are some items that you can freeze:

*Stockpiling Moms shows you how to freeze these items for better freshness!

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